What is Garam Masala? A Top Blend of HomeMade Masala Recipe with Kerala Spices
Garam masala is a blend of ground spices widely used in Indian cuisine, from curries and lentil dishes to soups.
Garam masala is a popular Northern Indian spice blend. The name garam masala means hot or warm spices. Garam Masala is better when made with whole spices that have been roasted and ground.
“Always source whole spices that are fresh & authentic, preferably from ground sources” – Kerala Spices from Trupery
In India, there is no single garam masala recipe, rather its combination changes as per region and cooking preference. In Northern India, garam masala will be fragrant and gentle, while you travel to southern India, the hotter the flavours will turn.
Garam masala can be produced using a wide range of flavours, yet probably the most well-known are cinnamon, peppercorns, cardamom, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, cloves, mace, and nutmeg. To make your mix, toast entire flavours to draw out their flavour, then grind them.
People get confused between garam masala and curry powder. Both are used to add flavour and colour to dishes. One of the biggest differences between the two is that garam masala doesn’t contain Tumeric. Garam masala is normally added close to the furthest limit of cooking so it seasons the dish as well as adds to the fragrance. While curry powder is used more in the earlier process of cooking.
Store garam masala in an impermeable holder in a cool, dark region. Ground garam masala will lose its power rather rapidly, so involving it straightaway is ideal.