How to check the quality of Black Peppercorns? When you buy black pepper online.
An understanding of how to check whether it is good quality black peppercorns? A must for all those who buy black pepper online. The black pepper price is determined by the quality of the peppercorns whether they are organic black peppercorns, raw black pepper or ground black pepper.
Black pepper is a famous spice that is used in many Indian cuisines to give them that extra bite and zing. Black pepper has long been used for both flavours and as a traditional remedy.
However, the pepper you are using may not be completely pure, there is a possibility that it has been adulterated or contaminated. But how do you know?
Here are a few ways you can test the quality of whole black pepper.
Presence of Light berries
With your fingertip, press the berries. Light berries will easily break or shatter with hardly anything inside their core. Peppercorns are not easily broken by hand. So the next time you buy black pepper, you’ll know it’s pure!
Density of PepperCorns
- Water Test: Add a spoonful of black pepper to a glass of water. Pure black pepper sinks to the bottom, while the adulterant or lightweight pepper, floats to the surface.
- Litre Weight / GL TEST: The density of pepper determines its quality, which is influenced by the degree of maturity of the pepper throughout the harvest season. Light (immature, empty) grains with a low density are less desirable because they lack piperine and essential oils. Quality pepper should have a density of at least 500 g/l. This pepper has a higher concentration of piperine (at least 4.0%) and essential oils (at least 2.0%).
Trupery‘s black peppercorn has a density of at least 550 g/l, indicating the usage of ripe, high-quality pepper grains.
Myths vs Reality
- Myths regarding peppercorn size are roaming across the country. Like, the bigger the size of peppercorns better the quality is. It’s a wrong concept, both the size and density should be proportional to confirm that the pepper is of good quality.
Peppercorns have a thin black-brown shell, under which there is a light core. The core of the pepper contains piperine and essential oils. (The white inside portion of the peppercorns) Pepper with a full core contains the compounds responsible for pepper flavour responsible for sharpness and scorching – the qualities for which customers pay. Piperine is present in at least 4% of high-quality peppercorns. Volatile Oil – gives the typical “warm” flavour of pepper, as well as richness and fullness of flavour. The composition of excellent black peppercorns from 1% essential oils and higher.