What is today’s Choti Elaichi / Hari Elaichi (Green Cardamom) price per 1Kgs in Kerala?
Choti Elaichi Price / Hari Elaichi (Green cardamom) is a popular spice known for its sweet and aromatic flavour.
The current choti elaichi price varies depending on factors such as origin, quality, and availability.
As of 26/06/2023, the average price for bulk-grade (farm grade) choti elaichi was Rs 1200 per Kg. Depending upon different grading parameters like Cardamom 5mm, 6mm, 7mm & 8mm price varies to a certain extent. However, prices can fluctuate due to weather conditions, crop yields, and market demand. The cost of green cardamom is also affected by the demand for the spice in different industries such as the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.
It is always a good idea to compare prices from different sources to ensure you get the best value when purchasing green cardamom.